A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance
Spotlights the terror of human trafficking in Southeast Asia. A recommended read for missionary candidates, human rights workers, and members of the public who want a better grasp of the tragedy of sex slavery and a glimpse of the drama of fighting it. McDonald's book should be in every Bible college bookstore and church library. LEN AND MARY ROSENBERG Co-founders of Ministry Architecture, Inc. Parents of JOEL C. ROSENBERG, best-selling author of the fictional series that includes The Copper Scroll and of the non-fictional Epicenter. A powerful story of redemption seen through the eyes of a compassionate medical doctor. DR. JIM GROEN President, Global Connection International Medical doctors such as Anton Chekhov, A.J. Cronin, and Somerset Maugham have become noted writers and novelists. Let's welcome Keith McDonald to that list. RAY WISEMAN Coauthor with Dr. Don Ranney of When Cobras Laugh, author of Disciples of Joy and Exploring God's Route 66 Devi's idyllic life was shattered the day Ban Rath entered her Cambodian village. Sixteen-year-old Khmer dancer Devi and her little brother, Rithy, flee in terror after Ban Rath, formerly with the Khmer Rouge and the Killing Fields and now a trafficker in peasant girls, blows up their family hut, killing their father and grandmother. But where can they go, when nowhere seems safe from Ban Rath's reach? Tom Whitby, M.D., exhales in frustration on his flight to Bangkok. What induced him, the busiest oncologist in Denver, to fly off on this colossal waste of time-to provide medical help to the people of Phnom Penh in Cambodia? The answer, of course, is his wife, Jane Mackenzie Whitby, who spent her girlhood in Southeast Asia, and her father, Dr.Mackenzie, the renowned missionary and world authority on iodine deficiency disorders. But what does Tom have to gain, playing holy-roller in some hellhole? The suspenseful, dangerous journey will bridge two worlds-and change hearts for all time. Dr. Keith McDonald, the author, established The Salt of the Earth program through The Cambodian Medical Mission, a division of Global Connection International. Through this program, two 1kg bags of iodized salt are distributed to the families in Christian congregations across Cambodia. One of the bags is for the family and one for a neighbor. One kilogram lasts each family about a year and the program is ongoing.