Freeman’s Fables.
This collection of stories is for all ages, encompassing various times and places. The author has set in place a challenge to see if you know who, from within the stories, is actually the creator and storyteller. The reader is then encouraged to email the answer to the author. Come, let me weave for you a web of wisdom, morals, fables, and other sundry, cautionary tales, where every character has their own story within this veritable jackanory. Within is testament of tales; short tales, tall tales and those somewhere in-between, weaved with the wisdom diffused from petty crimes, witty rhymes, folklore and dreams, into a rhapsody of writing for the reader to relish. The characters tell tales that all ages will understand, about attitudes, behaviours and love for your neighbours; what’s wrong and right and will give you insight into messages passed down since the inception of time, as well as those that are hidden between the lines. This menagerie of morals are infused with light-hearted anecdotes, quips and quick witted wits, being easy on the eye and can be read in quiet, or aloud, with the most eloquent of lips. And all I ask, dear reader, if you are able, Is to tell me who is the overall teller of these tales and fables? If you think you know who is the teller of these tales, Tell me, please, dear reader via email.