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Biomedical Applications of Extracellular Vesicles
Biomedical Applications of Extracellular Vesicles
Biomedical Applications of Extracellular Vesicles Unique resource focusing on biomedical applications and clinical translation of extracellular vesicles in science and medicine Focusing on key points to better understand extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their development, Biomedical Applications of Extracellular Vesicles describes in detail the biogenesis of EVs, the mechanism of intercellular communication, and the treatment of various diseases of EVs and the EV-based drug delivery platforms. An application-oriented resource, the work presents rapidly newer biomedical and clinical applications of natural and engineered EVs such as drug delivery, diagnosis, prognosis monitoring, immunotherapy, and more. The first part of this book provides a basic background on EVs. Next, the book introduces the excellent therapeutic effects of EVs themselves and the underlying mechanisms, followed by how EVs from different sources were used to construct drug delivery platforms. The latest research on EVs from leading groups around the world is presented. Sample topics covered in Biomedical Applications of Extracellular Vesicles include: Biogenesis of various EVs Pros and cons of the different instrumental and methodological developments for analytical strategies applied to EVs EVs in treatment of major diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases Current methods of engineering EVs, and a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of each method Biomaterials, such as hydrogels, scaffolds, and microneedles, that have been developed to further enhance the therapeutic efficacy of EVs Key challenges, such as quality control, scalability, and biosafety, that limit the clinical and industrial translation of EVs Explaining in detail how extracellular vesicles are produced and engineered, along with potential applications and commercial developments of EVs in science and industry, Biomedical Applications of Extracellular Vesicles is an essential resource on the subject for chemists, cell biologists, and molecular physicists.
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Cooperation in the Energy Futures of China and the United States
Cooperation in the Energy Futures of China and the United States
Today we recognize the importance of the pending transition in energy resource utilization in the coming century. Two major players in this transition will be two of the world's superpowersâ€"China and the United States. Cooperation in the Energy Futures of China and the United States focuses on collaborative opportunities to provide affordable, clean energy for economic growth and social development, to minimize future energy concerns, environmental threats to our global society, and the health and economic impacts on energy production and use.
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Energy Futures and Urban Air Pollution
Energy Futures and Urban Air Pollution
The United States and China are the top two energy consumers in the world. As a consequence, they are also the top two emitters of numerous air pollutants which have local, regional, and global impacts. Urbanization has led to serious air pollution problems in U.S. and Chinese cities; although U.S. cities continues to face challenges, the lessons they have learned in managing energy use and air quality are relevant to the Chinese experience. This report summarizes current trends, profiles two U.S. and two Chinese cities, and recommends key actions to enable each country to continue to improve urban air quality.
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Urbanization, Energy, and Air Pollution in China
Urbanization, Energy, and Air Pollution in China
In October 2003, a group of experts met in Beijing under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Engineering (NAE)/National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies to continue a dialogue and eventually chart a rational course of energy use in China. This collection of papers is intended to introduce the reader to the complicated problems of urban air pollution and energy choices in China.
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The Power of Renewables
The Power of Renewables
The United States and China are the world's top two energy consumers and, as of 2010, the two largest economies. Consequently, they have a decisive role to play in the world's clean energy future. Both countries are also motivated by related goals, namely diversified energy portfolios, job creation, energy security, and pollution reduction, making renewable energy development an important strategy with wide-ranging implications. Given the size of their energy markets, any substantial progress the two countries make in advancing use of renewable energy will provide global benefits, in terms of enhanced technological understanding, reduced costs through expanded deployment, and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions relative to conventional generation from fossil fuels. Within this context, the U.S. National Academies, in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), reviewed renewable energy development and deployment in the two countries, to highlight prospects for collaboration across the research to deployment chain and to suggest strategies which would promote more rapid and economical attainment of renewable energy goals. Main findings and concerning renewable resource assessments, technology development, environmental impacts, market infrastructure, among others, are presented. Specific recommendations have been limited to those judged to be most likely to accelerate the pace of deployment, increase cost-competitiveness, or shape the future market for renewable energy. The recommendations presented here are also pragmatic and achievable.
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Introduction to Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine
This book aims to provide readers with adequate knowledge for clinical application of Chinese medicine, which is in line with the fundamental principle of correspondence of Chinese medicinals and patterns. It contains a brief introduction to relative theories, divides these medicinals by actions into categories such as exterior-releasing, heat-clearing, purgative, dampness-dispelling, fluid retention-disinhibiting, interior-warming, qi-regulating, blood-invigorating, blood-stanching, food accumulation-relieving, phlegm, cough- and wheezing-arresting, mind-tranquilizing, liver-calming, orifices-opening, tonifying, astringing, and worm-dispelling, and elaborates each herb in terms of its actions, quality, indications, usage, and dosage. Furthermore, mnemonics and simple and effective formulas are included to help readers effectively grasp the concepts behind practical applications, and precautions and daily practices are specifically designed to support readers in easily understanding and retaining the information.
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Non-cooperative Stochastic Differential Game Theory of Generalized Markov Jump Linear Systems
Non-cooperative Stochastic Differential Game Theory of Generalized Markov Jump Linear Systems
This book systematically studies the stochastic non-cooperative differential game theory of generalized linear Markov jump systems and its application in the field of finance and insurance. The book is an in-depth research book of the continuous time and discrete time linear quadratic stochastic differential game, in order to establish a relatively complete framework of dynamic non-cooperative differential game theory. It uses the method of dynamic programming principle and Riccati equation, and derives it into all kinds of existence conditions and calculating method of the equilibrium strategies of dynamic non-cooperative differential game. Based on the game theory method, this book studies the corresponding robust control problem, especially the existence condition and design method of the optimal robust control strategy. The book discusses the theoretical results and its applications in the risk control, option pricing, and the optimal investment problem in the field of finance and insurance, enriching the achievements of differential game research. This book can be used as a reference book for non-cooperative differential game study, for graduate students majored in economic management, science and engineering of institutions of higher learning.
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