A Failure of Initiative
Supplementary report to the final Hurricane Katrina Federal response report, A Failure of Initiative [Print] [eBook]. Issued on March 16, 2006, by the House of Representatives Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina, this supplemental report details the issues and conclusions of the Committee in regards to getting responses to their inquiries from former Undersecretary Michael Brown of FEMA regarding his and the George W. Bush Administration's response to Hurricane Katrina. Includes excerpts from Brown's testimony that, in the opinion of the Committee, demonstrate Brown's "deliberate decision to ignore the Homeland Security National Response Plan (NRP) as well as "raise serious questions about the performance of the White House and Secretary Chertoff" in responding to the hurricane. Union Calendar No. 216. House of Representatives Report 109-396, 109th Congress, 2nd Session.