Arnulf Rainer
Together with such artists as Jean Dubuffet, Antoni Tàpies, Asger Jorn and Karel Appel, Arnulf Rainer (b. 1929) gave new substance to European Expressionism in the latter half of the 20th century. In Austria, he was one of the first Informal painters, and he later became especially known for his Übermalungen, overpainted photographs and printed matter, his hand and finger painting and painting associated with performative actions. Before he begins painting over a photograph, Rainer manipulates the image by using coloured light to accentuate specific areas, or by selecting certain cut-out segments. These are again re-photographed, and Rainer then begins the process of applying layers of paint. This results in colourful works that have a soft, velvety character. The photographic images that serve as cornerstones for the paintings can range from portraits, nudes and landscapes to prints from history or the history of art.