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Christ Divided
Christ Divided
Bringing the wisdom of generations of black Catholics into conversation with contemporary scholarly accounts of racism, Christ Divided diagnoses ""antiblackness supremacy"" as a corporate vice that inhabits the body of Christ. To truly understand racial inequality, theologians must acknowledge the existence of ""antiblackness supremacy"" and recognize its uniquely foundational role in prevailing processes of racialization and racial hierarchy. In addition to introducing a new framework of racial analysis, this book proposes a new approach to virtue ethics. Because the church‘s participation in and performance of white supremacy occurs as a result of corporate habituation, the church most needs new habits, not new teachings. The theory of corporate virtue outlined here provides a framework through which to evaluate these habits and propose new ones-to be made to "do the right thing."
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Fugitive Saints
Fugitive Saints
"How should the Catholic Church remember the sins of its saints? This question proves particularly urgent in the case of those saints who were canonized due to their relation to black slavery. Today, many of their racial virtues seem like racial vices. This book proposes black fugitivity, as both a historical practice and an interpretive principle, to be a strategy by which the church can build new hagiographical habits. Rather than searching inside itself for racial heroes, the church should learn to celebrate those black fugitives who sought refuge outside of it."--Back cover.
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Christ Divided
Christ Divided
Bringing the wisdom of generations of black Catholics into conversation with contemporary scholarly accounts of racism, Christ Divided diagnoses ""antiblackness supremacy"" as a corporate vice that inhabits the body of Christ. To truly understand racial inequality, theologians must acknowledge the existence of ""antiblackness supremacy"" and recognize its uniquely foundational role in prevailing processes of racialization and racial hierarchy. In addition to introducing a new framework of racial analysis, this book proposes a new approach to virtue ethics. Because the church‘s participation in and performance of white supremacy occurs as a result of corporate habituation, the church most needs new habits, not new teachings. The theory of corporate virtue outlined here provides a framework through which to evaluate these habits and propose new ones-to be made to "do the right thing."
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Fugitive Saints
Fugitive Saints
How should the Catholic church remember the sins of its saints? This question proves particularly urgent in the case of those saints who were canonized due to their relation to black slavery. Today, many of their racial virtues seem like racial vices. In this way, the church celebrates Peter Claver, a seventeenth-century Spanish missionary to Colombia, as “the saint of the slave trade,” and extols Martín de Porres as the patron saint of mixed race people. But in truth, their sainthoods have upheld anti-blackness much more than they have undermined it. Habituated by anti-blackness, the church has struggled to perceive racial holiness accurately. In the ongoing cause to canonize Pierre Toussaint, a Haitian-born former slave, the church continues to enact these bad racial habits. This book proposes black fugitivity, as both a historical practice and an interpretive principle, to be a strategy by which the church can build new hagiographical habits. Rather than searching inside itself for racial heroes, the church should learn to celebrate those black fugitives who sought refuge outside of it.
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Conducting Behavioral and Social-Emotional Assessments in MTSS
Conducting Behavioral and Social-Emotional Assessments in MTSS
Conducting Behavioral and Social-Emotional Assessments in MTSS: Screen to Intervene offers effective assessment strategies for improving mental and behavioral health decision-making within multi-tiered systems of support. Accessible to school psychologists, behavior analysts, PBIS team leaders, and other school-based professionals, this applied book features evidence-based practices and case study examples to show how assessment data can drive prevention and intervention services, particularly at Tiers 1 and 2. Specific tools and recommendations for universal screening, problem analysis, and progress monitoring procedures offer a fresh, real-world approach to data-driven implementation of supports across schools.
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Life Story Work with Children who are Fostered Or Adopted
Life Story Work with Children who are Fostered Or Adopted
The number of traumatized children in foster care and adoptive families is on the rise every year. In times like these, social work practitioners rarely have sufficient time to plan out each of their sessions. This book makes it possible. Life Story Work with Children who are Fostered or Adopted: Creative Activites and Ideas is a brief and accessible resource guide to life story work. Focused on methods and activities that have been tried and tested by social workers and therapists, these are simple activities that require minimal resources that range from how to build the foundation to Life Story Work to boosting a child's self-esteem and identity. The chapters are categorized in a way that makes it easy for the practitioner to identify which method will be appropriate for the stage of the work they are undertaking. This book will be a vital resource for social workers, foster caregivers, students and any frontline practitioner involved in working with traumatized children.
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Black Womanist Ethics
Black Womanist Ethics
This study articulates the distinctive moral character of the Afro-American women's community. Beginning with a reconstructive history of the Afro-American woman's situation in America, Katie G. Cannon goes on to trace the emergence of the Black woman's literary tradition and explain itsimportance in expressing the moral wisdom of Black women. The life and work of Zora Neale Hurston are examined in detail for her unique contributions to the moral tradition of the Afro-American woman. A final chapter initiates a promising exchange between the works of Hurston and those of HowardThurman and Martin Luther King, Jr.
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