Connecting Comprehension & Technology
Summary: "Through their celebrated Comprehension Toolkit series Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis present an active literacy learning framework that grounds students in the nonfiction reading and thinking strategies they will need throughout school and into college and careers. In Connecting Comprehension and Technology Steph and Anne invite teachers to join them in Katie Muhtaris' and Kristin Ziemke's classrooms to envision and embrace technology as a powerful tool for extending these Toolkit practices and enhancing literacy instruction and innovation. Offering the know-how born from years of classroom experience and clear steps for getting started, Connecting Comprehension and Technology provides practical lessons that teach students how to navigate, evaluate, collaborate, and communicate through digital resources. Not limited to specific hardware or software, lessons are designed around technical functions; tools readily accessible to students in their world and easily adopted in your school, whether you are taking your first steps into technology or looking to leverage existing resources"--From publisher's website.