Reading and Understanding
This monograph, the sixth in a series on the development of the reading process, is concerned with the development of reading comprehension. In the first chapter, "Comprehension in Listening and Reading: Same or Different," Joseph H. Danks analyzes the evidence for the proposition that tbe comprehension processes for language in print and language in speech are the same and for the contrary proposition that there are significant differences in the understanding of the message in print and speech. In the second chapter, "Arguments for a Constructive Approach to Comprehension and Memory," Kathy Pezdek reviews pertinent research literature on comprehension from the constructive memory approach to the issue. She makes a case for the proposition that the meaning of a sentence is not simply the sum of the separate meanings of the individual words and that sentence comprehension is in a very real sense the determiner of the words of the sentence. She also reviews factors of constructive memory that influence reading comprehension. (MKM)