Daily Bible Study Fall 2015
Fall 2015 The Christian Community Comes Alive This fall, DAILY BIBLE STUDY presents a series of readings following the theme “The Christian Community Comes Alive.” Readings come primarily from the Book of Acts and focus on the beginnings of the Christian church; the boldness with which Jesus’ followers testified to their faith; and the ways the gospel spread among the Jews and then the Gentiles. These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in ADULT BIBLE STUDIES, are written by Bill Carter, Katie Shockley, and Lee Franklin. Seeds of New Growth Daily readings in this four-week unit recall how the early Christians supported one another through prayer, how they lived generously and shared all things, ways they witnessed to the truth, and how they remembered God’s faithfulness. Giving Bold Testimony Daily readings in this four-week unit follow the members of the early church as God’s Spirit worked in and through them, enabling them to stand firm, follow God’s way, take risks to share the gospel, and trust the Spirit to equip them to do the work God called them to do. Spreading the Gospel Daily readings in this five-week unit explore the role of prayer in the spread of the gospel, the abundant grace of God that makes salvation available to all with no distinctions, the cost of following Christ, the majesty and goodness of God, and the wisdom of living based on teachings from God’s Word For individual reading This daily devotional Bible study guide helps individuals develop the discipline of engaging with the Bible every day. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, the daily readings support and lead up to the weekly lessons in Adult Bible Studies. Each one-page daily reading includes: A focal Scripture. An introductory reflection question. Commentary on the biblical text. Life application. A concluding prayer. Coming for next quarter! DAILY BIBLE STUDY is also available as a mobile app! The DAILY BIBLE STUDY mobile app helps individuals on the go develop the discipline of engaging with and applying the teachings of the Bible to their lives. Each daily reading opens with a question to ponder, a reading and commentary on the daily Scripture passage, application to life, and a concluding prayer. The app also allows you to share content with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email! Get the app on iTunes!