Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing provides comprehensive and straightforward coverage of psychiatric nursing. The text utilizes a balanced nursing-medical approach, presenting strong baseline coverage of the DSM-IV-TR and related treatments, while continuing to focus on what psychiatric nurses actually do. The book weaves important themes throughout the text after introducing fundamental concepts early on. These areas include legal/ethical issues, research, growth/development, and cultural implications, as well as psychopharmacology, psychobiology, and communication. Takes a holistic approach with a strong emphasis on nursing process and interdisciplinary interventions. Full color design makes the book visually appealing and engaging. Objectives, placed at the beginning of each chapter, emphasize the most important concepts. Key Terms are listed at the beginning of each chapter with page number references, and are highlighted in bold the first time they appear in the chapter narrative. DSM-IV-TR Criteria boxes present the DSM-IV-TR criteria for particular disorders. Nursing Care Plans provide guidelines for care. Each care plan includes a brief case study, followed by assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, interventions with rationales, and evaluation. Clinical Alert boxes emphasize information critical to the safety or well-being of the client. Nursing Care in the Community boxes discuss community perspectives on various disorders and issues. Case studies, with detailed depictions of psychiatric disorders, help students conceptualize the development of effective nursing care strategies, and include critical thinking questions that promote independent investigation. Client and Family Teaching Guidelines boxes highlight the issues families must confront when a member suffers from mental illness. Understanding and Applying Research boxes summarize research studies related to disorders and explain application to nursing interventions. Nursing Assessment Questions boxes present questions that should be included in the assessment of a particular disorder. Clinical Symptoms boxes summarize the symptoms that indicate a certain disorder. Collaborative Diagnoses boxes present DSM-IV-TR and NANDA diagnoses relevant for a certain disorder. Additional Treatment Modalities boxes summarize various modalities and interventions that are used in conjunction with nursing interventions in the treatment of a particular disorder. A bulleted Chapter Summary concludes each chapter, summarizing the most significant ideas to remember. A glossary at the end of the book provides concise definitions of key terms presented in the text. Includes a separate chapter on Psychobiology that covers basic neuroanatomy, as well as the psychobiological aspects of psychiatric disorders. A separate chapter on Complementary and Alternative Therapies describes current therapies used in the treatment of physiological and psychological health problems, and demonstrates the importance of providing holistic nursing care. Holistic approach with strong emphasis placed on nursing process and interdisciplinary interventions Full color design makes the book visually appealing and stimulating to the student Key terms are listed at the beginning of each chapter. A glossary at the end of the book provides concise definitions Nursing Care Plans provide guidelines for care. Each care plan includes a brief case study, followed by assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, interventions with rationales, and evaluation Clinical Alert boxes key readers to knowledge and information critical to the safety or wellbeing of the client. Nursing Care in the Community boxes discuss community perspectives on particular disorders and issues Case studies, detailed depictions of psychiatric disorders, help students conceptualized the development of effective nursing care strategies Client & Family Teaching Guidelines boxes facilitate the student's awareness of the issues families must confront when a member suffers from mental illness Understanding & Applying Research boxes summarize a research study related to a disorder and explain its application to nursing interventions Clinical Symptoms boxes summarize the symptoms that indicate a certain disorder Introduces the student to complementary and alternative therapies used in the treatment of physiological and psychological health problems