Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care
Hartman Publishing's most comprehensive nursing assistant training textbook includes information about long-term care, as well as home health care, and some material about subacute and acute care. This edition contains the following:?In-depth information on resident and client rights, including instructional boxes throughout that teach ways to promote independence and prevent abuse and neglect?New information on trauma-informed care, gender identity, dental implants, electronic documentation, and mental health disorders?Up-to-date, comprehensive material on infection prevention, including new information about COVID-19?Many new photos and more website resources?Material on anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on normal changes of aging and observing and reporting?Updated nutrition information on MyPlate, special diets, dining styles, and thickened liquids and texture-modified foods?Current information on legal issues, such as HIPAA, the Patient Self-Determination Act, the Elder Justice Act, and advance directives and related medical orders?7 chapters focusing on home health care, including information on medications, safety, infection prevention, mothers and newborns, and meal planning and preparation?1 chapter containing subacute and acute care information, including preoperative and postoperative care, as well as mechanical ventilation, chest tubes, and artificial airways?Chapter-ending material that develops critical thinking and tests chapter comprehension?Comprehensive testing section available to instructors, including 62 chapters exams (two sets of exams for each chapter), two final exams, and a critical thinking exam, along with a practice exam for students taking the certification test?Table of procedures, common abbreviations list, a special appendix with a math review, and glossary included