Planned Giving Workbook
Practical and proven guidelines for launching and growing a successful planned giving program For planned giving officers and development staff members, documentdevelopment is a critical part of the job. Nonprofit employees mustcreate documents that take many forms, including: detailedproposals describing complicated gift options; marketing materials;correspondence to donors, professional advisors, and staff members;exhibits; agreements; presentation materials; and IRS andtax-related documents. This workbook, together with the documentscontained on the accompanying CD-ROM, will help employees ofdevelopment organizations draft, design, and develop a variety ofdocuments that can accomplish their organization's goals. The Planned Giving Workbook contains a CD-ROM with 425 documents toassist nonprofit development staff, mentors, and planned givingofficers in their jobs. These documents serve as models, ortemplates, to be used in planned giving and development. Thedocuments are divided into seven categories, with one chapter ofthe Workbook devoted to each type of document. The seven categoriesare: * Marketing * Agreements * Correspondence * Administrative Documents * Exhibits * Presentations * Tax and IRS Documents Planned giving officers, development professionals, nonprofitexecutives, and consultants will find the Planned Giving Workbookto be a vital tool for long-term fundraising.