A Journey To A Beautiful Butterfly
In this book I want to share my experiences of my journey in certain aspects including growing up, being a military child, relationships, heartbreaks, birth control, as well as a few life lessons that I've learned have all helped me, all while dealing with my mental health up to this point in my life. I talk about how to find peace within yourself and how your mentality on things can get you very far in life and help one see things on a deeper level than most of our generation today. I finally found my purpose and being able to open up and inspire others is such an amazing feeling. I hope this inspires you and helps you find your purpose in life, or there's something you can relate to that motivates and helps you, and lets you know you aren't alone. I believe everyone has a purpose in life. Even if you don't know what your purpose is right now, one day it'll hit you out of nowhere and you'll realize why God put you on this earth. It took me 20 years to finally figure out, understand and answer the question that I've been asked multiple times throughout my life which is, "what is your purpose and why do you think God put you on this earth" -- and to answer that question I believe my purpose is to motivate inspire and help others with their mental health, and share my story with the world. I think I'm very lucky to be able to figure out my purpose in life at only 20 years old. In my opinion that's a very young age to be able to find out why you think you were put on this earth. It can take people 100 years or even five months to figure out their purpose in life after being born, but once you find out your purpose its a great thing and you should fulfill your purpose, share your purpose, and follow through with your purpose. It will not only help you, but it will help others.