Intimacy in Later Life
To love and be loved is arguably one of the most powerfuland fundamental driving forces sustaining self-esteem and self-identity throughout the lifecourse. Need for reciprocal loving does not change as we grow older, despite failures of health,loss of a partner, late divorce, and alterations of personality due to the aging process.However, most studies of human sexuality have ignored the problems and developing patterns ofolder adults entering into new partnerships. To fill this gap, Intimacy inLater Life brings together a wide range of distinguished internationalscholars to address this neglected research area. Thisvolume explores how older people today think and behave in relation to partner change.Contributors consider the choices and constraints that influence decisions about new romanticrelationships after divorce or the death of a spouse, along with how these differ with respectto age, gender, and culture. The authors discuss the considerable social variety to be foundbetween "permissive" and morally conservative societies and cultural milieux,as well as how standards of sexual behavior have changed over time. Contributions include: KateDavidson and Graham Fennell, "New Intimate Relationships in Later Life," SofieGhaanfareeon Karlsson and Klas Borell, "Intimacy and Autonomy, Gender and Ageing:Living Apart Together," Deborah Carr and Rebecca Ut, "Late-Life Widowhood inthe United States: New Directions in Research and Theory," Nan Stevens,"Re-Engaging: New Partnerships in Late-Life Widowhood," Kate Davidson,"Gender Differences in New Partnership Choices and Constraints for Older Widows andWidowers," Jenny De Jong Gierveld, "The Dilemma of Repartnering:Considerations of Older Men and Women Entering New Intimate Relationships in LaterLife," Deborah K. Van Den Hoonaard, "Attitudes of Older Widows and Widowers inNew Brunswick, Canada Towards New Partnerships," Aldine J. Moore and Dorothy C.Stratton, "The 'Current Woman' in an Older Widower's Life," and Kalyani K.Mehta, "Perceptions of Remarriage by Widowed People inSingapore." Kate Davidson is lecturer in theDepartment of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK, and is co-director of the Centre for Researchon Ageing and Gender. Graham Fennell is professor ofsociology and social policy in the School of Business and Social Sciences, Roehampton Universityof Surrey, UK and European editor of Ageing International.