In the valley, no one sleeps. In the valley computers and virtual reality rule, pricking the brain with info-bits. So the founders exiled themselves from the valley into the mountains, where sleep and dreaming have become the rule, where Cassandras sleep-walk and prophesy, where dreams are constantly analyzed, where over-stimulation and agitation are forbidden even to teenagers. . . . Caught between this dichotomy, how do Lieutenant Maud, Commander Rosa, and Repeat fit their revolution in? Or is their revolution even a revolution? Has it all been planned by the Valley? Conversely, will it all be subsumed by the lethargy of the mountain nods and Cassandras? Kat Meads (Not Waving) has written a dystopic novel filled with emotion and emotional characters, including a trio of rebellious teenage girls, a wired and paranoid Commander, a faithful lieutenant protecting her commander, a babbling genius with a photographic memory gone awry, and asundry villains and heroes. Meads examines this not-so-distant future not to entertain us with techno-gadgetry and word coinages, but to reflect on our own times and find that betrayal, idealism, love, faithfulness, and general emotional confusion remain the human constant, no matter the situation, no matter how much--or how little--information inserts itself.