Contact Lenses in Ophthalmic Practice
This handy primer serves dual purposes. Unique among contact lens practice manuals, Contact Lenses in Ophthalmic Practice brings together the insight and experience of an ophthalmologist and an optometrist with the clinical experience and practical knowledge of the full spectrum of eye care professionals. Secondly, the book takes the old-fashioned approach of a primer (a practical, concise teaching manual) with the modern accessibility of FAQs (frequently asked questions). In both the authorship and the editorial approach, the book provides ophthalmology residents, optometry students, practitioners in both fields beginning or returning to contact lens practice, and technicians and assistants working in contact lens practices with the best of all possible tools. Guiding the novice step-by-step into an acquaintance with the terminology and practice of contact lenses, the authors approach questions as they arise in the "hands on" setting. The first half of the book walks the reader through the fundamentals of contact lens practice: nomenclature, indications, exam and fitting, and specific chapters on the newest and most widely dispensed lenses. The rest of the chapters cover therapeutic, cosmetic, and post-surgical lenses, as well as complications, infection control and HIV/AIDS related issues. Structured in a simple, clearly delineated fashion, Contact Lenses in Ophthalmic Practice provides the reader with rapid access to the solutions to a wide variety of clinical questions, both simple and complex. Certain to become dog-eared and battered from use in busy clinical practices, the book is certain to become an integral part of your ophthalmic "tool box." Book jacket.