A Bibliography of Syriac Ascetic and Mystical Literature
This book offers a complete bibliographical presentation of Syriac authors and texts in the domain of Syriac asceticism and mysticism. It also includes Greek texts that were translated into Syriac and profoundly influenced the spiritual life of Christians in the Near and Middle East. Among the Syrian Churches ascetic and mystical literature was flourishing over the centuries and witnesses the intensity of their religious life. It also enriched the spirituality of other Christian traditions. Therefore, the bibliography also indicates Medieval translations of Syriac texts into other languages. The list of authors and texts ranges from Ps.-Clement of Rome and Antony the Great to the Chaldean Patriarch Joseph II (1696-1713/4). Editions (if available), translations and secondary literature are arranged in chronological order. Additionally, subject sections present surveys and introductions to the topic as well as literature about Syriac proto-monasticism, monastic anthologies, mystical experience and Messalianism in the Syriac tradition. The introduction of the book highlights the importance and originality of the Syriac ascetic and mystical literature.