What about the world we can't see? The world underground? Soil and rock layers, plant roots, animal burrows, insects, and more take the spotlight in this book, thanks to fun-to-explore, detailed illustrations and inviting text.
"How do percussion instruments shout Striking Sounds? With hands, sticks, and mallets! Includes glossary, critical thinking questions, and sheet music"--
"Take a trip into orbit with the most up-to-date information on space tourism. With a STEM-focused sidebars, engaging photos, and fascinating facts, this book enables readers to explore the exciting space tourism industry--no astronaut training needed!"--
"Forces and motion are at work all around you--when you kick a ball, ride a bike, or drop a book. But what exactly are forces? And how do they make things move? For thousands of years, scientists have been testing hypotheses about forces and motion and learning from the results of their experiments. These lead to more questions: Why do you speed up when you're biking down a hill? Why are heavier objects harder to pull? Why doesn't the moon float off into space? The answers may surprise you! Find out how forces and motion are at play with everything on Earth and beyond."--Amazon.com.
"How do string instruments sing sweet sounds? With fingers, picks, and Swaying Strings! Includes glossary, critical thinking questions, and sheet music"--
Maybe you love baking or doing martial arts—or perhaps soccer is more your thing. You can make a video about all these interests and more! Share your passions with the world by recording them and posting them online. Learn the first steps involved in capturing what you love on film, and find out how to hone your moviemaking craft and safely share your videos. A handy Video Checklist has even more tips and tricks as you get started. Lights, camera . . . action!
"How do woodwind instruments blow beautiful ballads? With flowing air, reeds, and Tuneful Tubes! Includes glossary, critical thinking questions, and sheet music"--
You've probably heard lots of things about energy. You may know that your body needs energy or that there's energy in sunlight. But what exactly is energy? Where does it come from and where does it go? How do plants, people, and machines use energy? Scientists have wondered about these things too. They conducted experiments to learn the answers to their questions. How do cells get energy from food? What is nuclear energy? How does a roller coaster move? Find out what scientists have discovered about energy and how we use different forms of energy every day.
Do you love to write? Are you into self-expression? Blogging is a great way to share your obsession with travel, your passion for reading, or your unique thoughts about the world. The possibilities are endless when it comes to blogging! Learn how to get started as a blogger in just a few easy steps, and discover how to attract readers to your site and keep improving your posts. Check out the useful Blog Checklist at the end of the book for even more awesome tips and tricks. Are you ready to build a blog? Let's dive in!