Atoms of Haiku Volume II
Author's United is proudly presenting the fifth anthology "Atoms of Haiku - Volume II" in continuation of its previous efforts. This anthology is a continuation of success story of Atoms of Haiku - Volume I. Haiku is the latest form of poetry that has come from the past and it is spreading throughout the world. Author's United has teamed up with the seasoned editors like Archana Kapoor Nagpal, and Hammad Khan to create a blend of Haiku with different styles into one book. It is an honor to thank all the 19 authors who contributed to this anthology - Adjei Agyei-Baah, Aparna Pathak, Archana Kapoor Nagpal, Christine L. Villa, Damir Janjalija, David Ishaya Osu, Emmanuel Jessie Kalusian, Hammad Khan, Jane Meme, Kala Ramesh, Maria Tomczak, Pat Geyer, Pravat Kumar Padhy, Saffiyyah Patel, Sandip Chauhan, Sanjukta Asopa, Sehrish Sarvar, Srinivasa Rao Sambangi and Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy.