The Power of the Mind Consciousness and Journey Through the Inner Landscape
The mind-the consciousness is the ultimate gift to man, which has never been explored to its full potential. The mind, with its full concentration, intensity and focus can achieve anything as long as it is stretched till that stage. As William James writes, "If you can change your mind, you can change your life." The Universe is a panorama of endless movement and we are all connected with our inner self, and the cosmic world, through our consciousness called the 'mind'. The human mind is a complex phenomenon that can be changed, tamed, and programmed to meet the changing realities of the time. You must stay connected with your inner self through your consciousness. We all have come into this world for a purpose and how to find our purpose is our utmost purpose. Once things have been internalized and crystalized, it changes your internal dynamics, normative order and soon there is a 'paradigm shift', and then you can set a thought pattern in your desired direction. During this entire process, you must continue to aspire for the intended goal or beyond. You must try to imagine, live, behave, act, react for all that you intend to be. As you continue to aspire for your goal or vision, it is like your ideation will continue murmuring about your goal. This paradigm shift would give you a clear and comprehensive description, redefine your life journey and your success is a foregone conclusion. The Mind is the most unexplored territory and has not been fully realized or used. The mind is bombarded with thousands of thoughts during the daytime, thoughts of varied kinds. There will be constant clash and cohesion at physical and psychic levels of these negatives, thoughts, and emotions unless it's not diluted and banished with positives; otherwise, it will continue to create chaos and confusion, which would lead to narrow, darkened, stagnated, and frustrating life ahead. As Albert Einstein beautifully writes, 'Strange is our situation here on Earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why yet sometimes seeming to divine purpose.' You have to awaken the cognitive faculties latent in your mind. And you might ask, how should one do that? It can be done by the right approach, right-thinking, use of intention, expectation, perception, intuition, willpower, and imagination. Once you master your mind and master your energies, only then you will be able to strive for excellence in any area of your existence. How are the mind and time related? Time is nothing but timelessness. There is no such thing as time, as it pervades in the consciousness. Time is an idea and if you do not think about it, it will die out in the mind. What is Time? Where does Time go? You will find answers to these questions and many more. The human mind is scattered in all directions, with extreme divergent flows, negatives and it is not easy to tame the wavering thoughts of the mind, as they are like surging waves in the ocean of motion. What is consciousness and how does it go beyond space and time? Is it eternal and timeless? From conception to perception, all is within you. We are connected with everything through our minds. We create a mental picture and imagination of our desire things and then sow the seeds of success, failures, and fears within. Essentially, it is the mind in our inner landscape that is the greatest repository of infinite power, and we must utilize it to its full power, potential and experience its extensity. How should one control the wavering thoughts of the mind as they are like the surging waves in the Ocean of motion? As rightly said by Spinoza, "In so far as the mind sees things in their eternal aspect, it participates in eternity."