Atlas of Gross Neurosurgical Pathology
This Atlas is one of a series devoted to neurosurgical and neuro logical conditions and is complementary to Atlas of the Histology of Brain Tumors (Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1971), which was the first in the atlas series. The Atlas is based on the Handbuch der Neurochirurgie, Vols. I and III (Springer 1956, 1959) but, whereas this is a comprehensive reference work, the present book is intended to give the practicing neurosurgeon, neuroradiolo gist, neuropathologist and neurologist the concise information they need for diagnostic purposes concerning the aspect, site, and ma lignancy of tumors and other space-occupying lesions in the brain. The schematic diagrams showing the sites of predilection of these tumors, as well as a piOgnosis based on the degree of malignancy, will be most useful here. The early chapters discuss the general rules governing displace ments due to space-occupying lesions and the manifestations of brain herniations. Other neurosurgical conditions, such as localized inflammatory processes, edema and obstructive hydrocephalus, are dealt with in brief chaptets; in this case I have chosen to show some of the rarer conditions rather than all the common lesions. In spite of probable future changes in terminology and classification, we have retained the classification used in the Atlas of Histology of Brain Tumors.