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Solar Thermal Desalination Technologies for Potable Water
Solar Thermal Desalination Technologies for Potable Water
This book covers the basics and advancements in various solar thermal desalination systems that are highly affordable and viable even for applications in low-income countries. Fresh water is an essential natural resource needed for the continuous existence of living organisms on earth. Civilizations have started and flourished along riverbanks which can be understood from historical literature. This precious resource has also been a cause for a lot of past and current wars and conflicts among different ethnic groups and nations around the globe. In the current scenario, access to clean drinking water is getting harder and more expensive for most of the population in middle- and low-income countries. This volume provides detailed knowledge on effectively utilizing solar energy for desalination to fulfill clean water supply demands. The content presents detailed thermodynamic modeling of various solar thermal desalination systems and highlights the role of the solar thermal distillation process in wastewater treatment and improved sanitation through a case study. The book also provides a detailed methodology for assessing the economics, environmental footprints, and sustainability of desalination systems. The book will be highly beneficial for researchers, professionals, and activists dealing with water, energy, and the environment.
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Sports psychologists work not only with the individual athlete but also with the team. How best to mild a group of individual athletes into a coherence team performing at its best is an ongoing question and challenge for coaches and team leaders. A knowledge of group dynamics, social perception how people perceive, think about, respond to each other, and individual differences in personality are all essential to motivating and leading a collection of athletes into a smoothly functioning team that makes the best use of each individual player's strengths
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EHT Transmission Performance Evaluation: Emerging Research and Opportunities
EHT Transmission Performance Evaluation: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Electricity has become a basic requirement in today’s world. Interruption free electrical energy and availability of surplus power are entwined in improving consumers quality of life. EHT Transmission Performance Evaluation: Emerging Research and Opportunities provides emerging research on reliability aspects of components, transmission lines, and substation designs. While highlighting power system adequacy and security, readers will also see how those aspects need to be given first consideration when making continuous power available to consumers. This book is a vital resource for researchers, professionals, and academics seeking current research on EHT transmission performance.
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Karaṇapaddhati of Putumana Somayājī
Karaṇapaddhati of Putumana Somayājī
This book is an important text of the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics, probably composed in the 16th century. In the Indian astronomical tradition, the karaṇa texts are essentially computational manuals, and they often display a high level of ingenuity in coming up with simplified algorithms for computing planetary longitudes and other related quantities. Karaṇapaddhati, however, is not a karaṇa text. Rather, it discusses the paddhati or the rationale for arriving at suitable algorithms that are needed while preparing a karaṇa text for a given epoch. Thus the work is addressed not to the almanac maker but to the manual maker. Karaṇapaddhati presents the theoretical basis for the vākya system, where the true longitudes of the planet are calculated directly by making use of certain auxiliary notions such as the khaṇḍa, maṇḍala and dhruva along with tabulated values of changes in the true longitude over certain regular intervals which are expressed in the form of vākyas or mnemonic phrases. The text also discusses the method of vallyupasaṃhāra, which is essentially a technique of continued fraction expansion for obtaining optimal approximations to the rates of motion of planets and their anomalies, involving ratios of smaller numbers. It also presents a new fast convergent series for π which is not mentioned in the earlier works of the Kerala school. As this is a unique text presenting the rationale behind the vākya system and the computational procedures used in the karaṇa texts, it would serve as a useful companion for all those interested in the history of astronomy. The authors have provided a translation of the text followed by detailed notes which explain all the computational procedures, along with their rationale, by means of diagrams and equations.
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Formal languages & automata theory : a learner's handbook
Formal languages & automata theory : a learner's handbook
This book provides the basic concepts of the finite state machine with the terminology used. Initially, the book includes various topics, then continuously building the advanced topics with solving examples for each topic. Important Multiple Choice Questions are given to test the knowledge gained by a student through the content provided in this book. Organisation of the book The first chapter of this book deals with the terminology which is used in all the automata like alphabet, strings and its operations, languages, it also deals with a Finite State Machine, Finite Automata and different types of Finite Automata with examples.
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Hypertension: Known & Less Known Facts
Hypertension: Known & Less Known Facts
Message from the Editor's Desk In today’s fast-paced and evolving medical landscape, hypertension remains one of the most pervasive and pressing global health challenges. Often termed the "silent killer," hypertension exerts a profound and insidious impact on individual health and public health systems alike, increasing the burden of cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, stroke, and other serious conditions across every demographic. Given its widespread impact, the need to deepen our understanding of hypertension and its lesser-known implications has never been greater. Hypertension: Known & Less Known Facts was born from a desire to address this gap by exploring the extensive and nuanced impacts of hypertension on various organ systems. With 32 chapters covering distinct areas, this monograph brings together the collective wisdom of over 55 esteemed contributors, each a respected voice in their field. Our contributors hail from around the world, representing diverse clinical perspectives and expertise that lend this monograph both depth and breadth. Each chapter within this monograph sheds light on both well-established facets of hypertension and the cutting-edge advancements that push our knowledge forward. From exploring the complex pathophysiology and risk factors, such as genetic and molecular drivers, to discussing innovative therapeutic approaches—including lifestyle modifications, AI integration, and the latest pharmacological developments—this work strives to be a comprehensive resource. The unique section dedicated to lesser-known facts about hypertension addresses aspects often overlooked in conventional clinical discussions, offering fresh perspectives and insights that can lead to more holistic patient care. Our vision for Hypertension: Known & Less Known Facts is that it serves as both an educational foundation and an ongoing inspiration for clinicians, researchers, and students. As we bring this work to fruition, we do so with the hope that it fosters curiosity, encourages further research, and ultimately enhances the quality of life for those affected by hypertension. It is our sincere belief that every healthcare professional who engages with this monograph will be empowered with knowledge to better address the complexities of hypertension and improve patient outcomes. We are deeply grateful to all those who contributed to this project, from our dedicated contributors to the design team and everyone involved in the production process. It is through this collaborative effort that we present this work, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all who have made this vision a reality. Together, let us advance in our shared mission to combat hypertension and its widespread impact on global health. With warm regards and gratitude, The Editorial Team Dr Jayant Arvind Antani, Pune, Maharashtra India Dr Vithalrao G Nadagouda, Hubli, Karnataka. India Dr Nagaraj Desai, Bangaluru, Karnataka, India Keywords for the Monograph: General Topics: Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Risk, Silent Killer, Lifestyle Modifications, Hypertension Guidelines. Diagnostics & Pathophysiology: Primary Hypertension, Secondary Hypertension, Renin-Angiotensin System, Echocardiography, Nuclear Medicine Imaging, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM). Management: Antihypertensive Drugs, Resistant Hypertension, Hypertension Emergencies, Renal Denervation, Non-Pharmacological Therapy. Special Populations: Hypertension in Children, Elderly Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes and Hypertension. Advanced Topics: Artificial Intelligence in Hypertension, Genetics of Hypertension, Endocrine Hypertension, Hypertension in Connective Tissue Disorders. Complications: Heart Failure, Stroke, Ocular Hypertension, Hypertension in Coronary Artery Disease. Emerging Concepts: Recent Advances, Hypertension as a Pan-Systemic Disorder, Vitamin D and Hypertension. Complementary Approaches: Alternative Medicine in Hypertension, Stress Management, Yoga, Diet Therapy. Global Health: Hypertension Prevalence, Socioeconomic Burden, Public Health Strategies, Rural vs. Urban Hypertension Trends. Concise and targeted list of keywords to capture the essence of this monograph: Hypertension Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Risk Primary Hypertension Secondary Hypertension Lifestyle Modifications Antihypertensive Drugs Hypertension Guidelines Diagnosis and Pathophysiology Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) Renal Denervation Hypertension Emergencies Resistant Hypertension Metabolic Syndrome Diabetes and Hypertension Elderly Hypertension Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension Artificial Intelligence in Hypertension Genetics of Hypertension Ocular Hypertension Endocrine Hypertension Heart Failure and Hypertension Stroke and Hypertension Alternative Medicine in Hypertension Recent Advances in Hypertension
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Spatial Dynamics and Ecology of Large Ungulate Populations in Tropical Forests of India
Spatial Dynamics and Ecology of Large Ungulate Populations in Tropical Forests of India
Large ungulates in tropical forests are among the most threatened taxa of mammals. Excessive hunting, degradation of and encroachments on their natural habitats by humans have contributed to drastic reductions in wild ungulate populations in recent decades. As such, reliable assessments of ungulate-habitat relationships and the spatial dynamics of their populations are urgently needed to provide a scientific basis for conservation efforts. However, such rigorous assessments are methodologically complex and logistically difficult, and consequently many commonly used ungulate population survey methods do not address key problems. As a result of such deficiencies, key parameters related to population distribution, abundance, habitat ecology and management of tropical forest ungulates remain poorly understood. This book addresses this critical knowledge gap by examining how population abundance patterns in five threatened species of large ungulates vary across space in the tropical forests of the Nagarahole-Bandipur reserves in southwestern India. It also explains the development and application of an innovative methodology – spatially explicit line transect sampling – based on an advanced hierarchical modelling under the Bayesian inferential framework, which overcomes common methodological deficiencies in current ungulate surveys. The methods and results presented provide valuable reference material for researchers and professionals involved in studying and managing wild ungulate populations around the globe.
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Navigation and Robotics in Spine Surgery
Navigation and Robotics in Spine Surgery
A unique how-to guide for spine surgeons on state-of-the-art computer-assisted navigation and robotic surgery techniques The past decade has seen major advances in image-guided spine surgery techniques, with robotically assisted approaches emerging in the last five years. While early adopters of this technology paved the way for more widespread use of navigated and robotic systems, barriers still exist. Navigation and Robotics in Spine Surgery by master spine surgeon Alexander Vaccaro and esteemed co-editors Jaykar Panchmatia, I. David Kaye, and Srinivas Prasad addresses existing issues such as the perception of increased upfront costs, intrusion on current workflow, and a lack of understanding about the potential ways these technologies can enhance the surgical experience and improve patient outcomes. Organized into six sections, the book starts with evidence-based fundamentals of navigated spine surgery and robotics including discussion of instrumentation and mechanics. Sections 2-5 serve as a surgical handbook for spine surgeons who wish to introduce these technologies into practice or augment their current repertoire with more complex techniques. Topics range from more routine procedures such as navigated and robotic minimally invasive TLIF to complex approaches like intraoperative ultrasound guided intradural spinal tumor resection. The final section looks at future directions and potential new applications for these technologies. Key Highlights An impressive group of international spine surgeons who pioneered navigation and robotic surgery techniques share invaluable tricks of the trade Discussion of fluoroscopy- and intraoperative CT-based platforms, applications for intraoperative sonography, and radiation exposure and minimization strategies Special topics include OR set-up and workflow, surmounting the learning curve, artificial intelligence, and lessons learned from other industries Procedural videos demonstrate the benefits of computer-assisted navigation and robotic techniques This book is essential reading for orthopaedic surgery and neurosurgery residents and spine fellows who wish to learn about and incorporate these technologies into practice. Seasoned spine surgeons seeking to expand the scope of their navigated/robotic practice will benefit from chapters detailing advanced approaches.
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Gaṇita-yukti-bhāṣā (rationales in Mathematical Astronomy) of Jyeṣṭhadeva: Mathematics
Ganita-yukti-bhasa (Rationales in Mathematical Astronomy) of Jyesthadeva (c.1530) is a seminal text of the Kerala school of astronomy. It is composed in the Malayalam language and presents detailed yuktis or explanations and demonstrations for the results and processes of mathematical astronomy. The text, comprising fifteen chapters, is naturally divided into two parts, mathematics and astronomy, and purports to give an exposition of the techniques and theories employed in the computation of planetary motions as set forth in the great treatise Tantrasangraha (c.1500) of Nilakantha Somayaji. The mathematics part is divided into seven chapters. The topics covered are Parikarma (logistics), Dasaprasna (ten problems), Bhinnaganita (fractions), Trairasika (rule of three), Kuttakara (linear indeterminate equations), Paridhi and Vyasa (infinite series and approximations for the ratio of the circumference and diameter of a circle) and Jyanayana (infinite series and approximations for sines). The astronomy part is divided into eight chapters. The topics covered are Grahagati (computation of mean and true longitudes of planets), Bhugola and Bhagola (Earth and celestial spheres), Pancadasa-prasna (fifteen problems relating to ascension, declination, longitude, etc.), Chaya-ganita (determination of time, place, direction, etc., from gnomonic shadow), Grahana (eclipses), Vyatipata (when the sun and moon have the same declination), Darsana-samskara (visibility correction for planets) and Candra-srngonnati (phases of the moon).--From publisher description
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Ga?ita-Yukti-Bha?a (Rationales in Mathematical Astronomy) of Jye??hadeva
Ganita-yukti-bhasa (Rationales in Mathematical Astronomy) of Jyesthadeva (c.1530) is a seminal text of the Kerala school of astronomy. It is composed in the Malayalam language and presents detailed yuktis or explanations and demonstrations for the results and processes of mathematical astronomy. The text, comprising fifteen chapters, is naturally divided into two parts, mathematics and astronomy, and purports to give an exposition of the techniques and theories employed in the computation of planetary motions as set forth in the great treatise Tantrasangraha (c.1500) of Nilakantha Somayaji. The mathematics part is divided into seven chapters. The topics covered are Parikarma (logistics), Dasaprasna (ten problems), Bhinnaganita (fractions), Trairasika (rule of three), Kuttakara (linear indeterminate equations), Paridhi and Vyasa (infinite series and approximations for the ratio of the circumference and diameter of a circle) and Jyanayana (infinite series and approximations for sines). The astronomy part is divided into eight chapters. The topics covered are Grahagati (computation of mean and true longitudes of planets), Bhugola and Bhagola (Earth and celestial spheres), Pancadasa-prasna (fifteen problems relating to ascension, declination, longitude, etc.), Chaya-ganita (determination of time, place, direction, etc., from gnomonic shadow), Grahana (eclipses), Vyatipata (when the sun and moon have the same declination), Darsana-samskara (visibility correction for planets) and Candra-srngonnati (phases of the moon).--From publisher description
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