The book, in its Second Edition, continues to provide a comprehensive treatment of signals and systems commencing from an elementary level and going on to a thorough analysis of mathematical tools such as Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform and Discrete-time Fourier transform. The concepts of convolution and correlation and their relationship have been explained in a clear and lucid manner. Both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems have been covered, and thoroughly supported with adequate number of explained examples.The book is intended for the BE/BTech students of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Telecommunication Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new chapter on MATLAB programming for generation of continuous-time and discrete-time series is added. • MATLAB solutions have been given for stability testing of discrete-time systems. • Sections on simple electronic systems realization have been added in existing Chapter 6. • More solved examples, problems and multiple choice questions, have been added in almost every chapter to reinforce the understanding of the theory. AUDIENCE • BE/BTech students of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Telecommunication Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.