50 Lip-Smacking Turmeric Recipes
What You Will Find In This Book?Turmeric is one of the oldest natural medicines in the history of mankind. It has been used as a cure for an uncountable number of diseases. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, Turmeric is antiseptic, Turmeric is antibacterial and...Turmeric is deliciousIt is this last attribute that puzzles many people. However, it won't be a puzzle anymore after going through this book. You won't believe how easy is to make your kids eat the yellow-orange not-so-tempting looking turmericThe book “50 Lip-Smacking Turmeric Recipes: The NEW Superfood plus Health Benefits” contains the following.1. The health benefits of Turmeric – you would be amazed to know how many severe diseases can be cured and prevented by this simple spice. 2. Turmeric containing recipes of dips and sidelines. 3. Delicious use of Turmeric is vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. 4. Easy use of turmeric in drinks and desserts. 5. Nutritional facts along with every recipe. Try out a few recipes a find out yourself how easy, delicious and beneficial it is to use turmeric in daily life.