Medical Speech-Language Pathology
Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Desk Reference, Fourth Edition is an easily accessible quick reference providing brief definitions, descriptions, and explanations into the vernacular that is integral to those who work in a health care setting. The purpose of this text is to advance the competencies and confidence of speech-language pathology (SLP) clinicians working in medically related settings by familiarizing them with the language, principles, practices, and procedures they will encounter. New to This Edition: Contributions and editing by coauthors Bernice K. Klaben, PhD, and Claire Kane Miller, PhD. Each of these authors brings a master clinician level of knowledge and experience as medical speech-language pathologists.New terminology, abbreviations, and medical tests and procedures.Expanded in this fourth edition is the vastly changed role of the SLP in the neonatal intensive care unit and inpatient services in children's hospitals. Information related specifically to newborns and young children has been added to nearly every chapter.Material has been added related to medical genetics (Chapter 6).The discussion of oncology (Chapter 12) has been expanded to include the current tumor classifications and therapies.The SLP's role with geriatric medicine has expanded in recent decades; thus, a chapter on rehabilitation medicine and geriatrics (Chapter 14) has been given greater attention as clinicians are increasingly participating in palliative care teams. Key Features: Concise, comprehensive, contextual, and well-organized definitions about medical terminology, principles, and practices.Information related to working with children and newborns infused throughout the text.Explanations about how speech-language pathology expertise is integrated into health care services across the gamut of medical disciplines.Knowledge about health care and health services delivery to advance career development. In medical settings, the SLP's treatment decisions are directly related to health and safety as well as communication; thus, clinicians who work in medical speech-language pathology must have a basic understanding of the conditions that have brought patients to the hospital or clinic and what is being done to manage them. This text is intended to provide that basic understanding as a desk reference for practicing clinicians in health care-related facilities, such as hospitals, rehabilitation programs, private practice, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, and home health agencies. It is also intended as a handy reference for clinicians who work in school and preschool settings, providing services to children with medically related communication and swallowing disorders within their caseloads, to better understand the medical histories, conditions, and the medical management of these children.