Thunder of a Truthful Heart
In this book, I attempt to facilitate understand and appreciation of Past, Present, and Future conditions of human life, expressing genuinely the changes that have affected human cultures over the ages. I make suggestions to effect dynamic social behavior, dealing with oppression and protest through-out the world and Mans undying quest for happiness and freedom: as he struggles to overcome barriers that engulfs him with conflict. Through verse, the book gives important information that will be useful to human life for many years to come, persuading his fellow man, by joining in the crusade for a Better World. The book generates hope and trepidation, expressing ideas that are crucially relevant to our time. During my years of life, I have gathered philosophies and experiences that have conditioned my views, hence, I try to motivate, through poetry, the spirits of my fellow man, spurring him on to a more positive understanding. Through observation, I strive to point out many details of this troubled world, attempting to bring my community to the river of originality and truth. I sincerely indulge my readers to seek out the meaning of life through contentment and love: and thereby enrich themselves. This book gives blood to the awareness of lifes condition. It is significant, authentic and absorbing, sharing information and feeling with the human spirit. It highlights some of the fascinating circumstances of life, like a silent marine of the beginning, or the noise and horror of the end. This book shows man struggling to find love by overcoming his fears, suffering in and out of relationships to survive in an uncertain world. The compelling poems delivered here, shows the savagery of human life with bold uniqueness that spans many generations, cultures, and ages of life. It deals with the conflicts, passions, and turbulance of many personages: and highlights, with flamboyance, the shattering horrors and tragedies of modern life. The book makes us think and we become players and witnesses in the dramas of life; as we seek explanation to lifes beauties and mysteries.