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Cronopios and Famas
Cronopios and Famas
This volume presents an integrated epidemiologic, social, and economic analysis of the global epidemics of HIV among sex workers in low- and middle-income countries. The book provides a comprehensive review and synthesis of the available public health and social science data to characterize the nature, scope, and complexities of these epidemics. A community empowerment-based approach to HIV prevention, treatment, and care is outlined and demonstrated to be cost-effective across multiple settings, with a significant projected impact on HIV incidence among sex workers and transmission dynamics overall. The Global HIV Epidemics among Sex Workers seeks to assist governments, public health implementing agencies, donors, and sex worker communities to better understand and respond to the epidemics among a population facing heightened social and structural vulnerabilities to HIV. The book combines a systematic review of the global epidemiology of HIV among sex workers and in-depth case studies of the epidemiology, policy and programmatic responses and surrounding social contexts for HIV prevention, care and treatment in eight countries. The authors employ mathematical modeling and cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the potential country-level impact of a community empowerment-based approach to HIV prevention, treatment, and care among sex workers when taken to scale in four countries representing diverse sociopolitical contexts and HIV epidemics: Brazil, Kenya, Thailand, and Ukraine. In each setting, greater investment in prevention, treatment, and care for sex workers is shown to significantly reduce HIV. Together these findings underline the urgency of further global investment in comprehensive, human rights-based responses to HIV among sex workers.
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A collection of masterful short stories in Julio Cortazar's sophistocated, powerful and gripping style. 'Julio Cortázar is truly a sorcerer and the best of him is here, in these hilariously fraught and almost eerily affecting stories' Kevin Barry A grieving family home becomes the site of a terrifying invasion. A frustrated love triangle, brought together by a plundered Aztec idol, spills over into brutality. A lodger’s inability to stop vomiting bunny rabbits inspires a personal confession. As dream melds into reality, and reality melts into nightmare, one constant remains throughout these thirty-five stories: the singular brilliance of Julio Cortazar’s imagination. WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY KEVIN BARRY ‘Anyone who doesn't read Cortázar is doomed’ Pablo Neruda
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First published in English in 1972 and long out of print, 62: A Model Kit is Julio Cortázar's brilliant, intricate blueprint for life in the so-called "City."
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A Manual for Manuel
A Manual for Manuel
"A Cuban of our acquaintance describes Cortázar as "the best French writer in Spanish." Not only because he has the candor to set his fiction in Paris, where so many South American writers have found breathing room, but because he has a truly French feel for the miscellaneous, kitchen-sinky, birds-eye texture of dally life. In A Manual for Manuel, you'll meet Andres, Marco, Francine, Lonstein, Lucienne, Patricio, and Susanna: a mixed group of French intellectuals and "Argentines who don't know what they're doing" in Paris. Together they make up "the Screwery," a collective that's more "pataphysical" than strictly revolutionary - involved in projects as diverse as collecting a scrapbook of newspaper clippings for Manuel (Patricio and Susanna's baby son), guerrilla theatre in department stores, counterfeiting and currency smuggling, and, grandest of all, the kidnapping of a bigwig from a multinational corporation in return for the release of captured revolutionaries in Latin America. Cortázar's narrative, as we've come to expect, is totally fractured into digressions, essays, undifferentiated dialogue, philosophical meditation, Finnegan's Wake-ish pun-prose, letters, Telexes, etc. Even the book's big, wonderful action scene (this charming crew's disastrous kidnap attempt) is muffled under all the stylistic swaddling. Cortázar is often at his best here: writing about a large group of friends, making them individual yet coherent - smart people being confused together. But the book suffers by comparison with his earlier, more substantial Hopscotch; even in Rabassa's adept and sympathetic translation, Manuel seems to lack the intensity and rich ambience we look for in prime Cortázar."--Kirkus
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The Winners
The Winners
Cortozar had a seminal influence on postwar Latin American fiction, and he was as significant for Garcia Marquez, Fuentes, and Vargas Llosa as his Argentine compatriot, Borges. In The Winners, a mixed group of Buenos Aireans, a cross-section of Argentine society, who have won a trip on a luxury cruise in the lottery, find themselves mysteriously adrift. Cortozar's first novel is a fantastic fiction that is also a parable of social paralysis exploring the universal theme of a society in the grips of terror.
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"Cortazar's masterpiece ... The first great novel of Spanish America" (The Times Literary Supplement) • Winner of the National Book Award for Translation in 1967, translated by Gregory Rabassa Horacio Oliveira is an Argentinian writer who lives in Paris with his mistress, La Maga, surrounded by a loose-knit circle of bohemian friends who call themselves "the Club." A child's death and La Maga's disappearance put an end to his life of empty pleasures and intellectual acrobatics, and prompt Oliveira to return to Buenos Aires, where he works by turns as a salesman, a keeper of a circus cat which can truly count, and an attendant in an insane asylum. Hopscotch is the dazzling, freewheeling account of Oliveira's astonishing adventures.
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Los premios
Los premios
Los premios (1960) es una novela inolvidable que anticipa gozosamente la fiesta que será Rayuela (1963). Este e-book incluye, en exclusiva, la historia de la creación de Los premios contada a través de las cartas de Julio Cortázar y una guía para leer al autor. Los pasajeros que se embarcan en el Malcolm para un crucero de placer se ven envueltos en un misterio que tiene tanto de alegórico como de disparate colosal. La ilusión de un corte con la vida anterior, propia de los viajes, incita a este grupo de hombres y mujeres a lanzarse a la exploración del enigma y al conocimiento mutuo. Y lo hacen con el aplicado entusiasmo de un juego, con la libertad y el riesgo que sólo Cortázar sabe concederle a sus personajes. Una novela inolvidable.
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A Certain Lucas
A Certain Lucas
Through bits and pieces, the author paints a portrait of one man's life.
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Alguien que anda por ahí y otros relatos
Alguien que anda por ahí y otros relatos
Someone who walks around is a selection of stories by Argentine author Julio Cortázar , published in 1977. His publication was censored in Argentina by the military regime (1976 - 1983). In these stories, Cortázar covers various genres, literary and thematic morphologies.
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