I Have a Theory about That
Meg likes to plan her life on a spreadsheet. Tania believes in letting the universe take charge. Theirs is an unlikely friendship, to say the least – especially since the two met because they used to date the same guy. At the same time. Now, as older, wiser twenty-nine-year olds (and flatmates, no less), they’re determined to enter their thirties with the one thing that's still missing from their halfway happy lives: that elusive long-lasting romance. When a routine conversation ends up with them laying bets on who will find love first, the battle lines are drawn. Now, if only ridiculous first dates, nosey aunties betting on their bet and complicated professional lives would get out of their way for the girls to find their One. And, really, what is the shortest way to finding love – via probability calculations on a-date-a-day week, or just being in the right place at the right time when the planets are all aligned and there are no Venus–Uranus oppositions?