The Evolution and Application of Clinical Theory
There has always been a gap between theory and practice in psychotherapeutic work. Beginning and experienced practitioners alike must struggle to integrate a variety of models and concepts that approach the practice of psychotherapy in vastly different ways. In The Evolution and Application of Clinical Theory, Judith Mishne offers a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to four influential models of personality development and organization: traditional psychoanalytic drive theory, ego psychology, object relations theory, and self psychology, systematically exploring their implications for clinical practice. Included is a history of the psychoanalytic movement from Freud to the present, with special attention paid to the professionals, politics, and personalities that have contributed to its growth and modification. In developing this history, the author shows the interrelationship of theoretical concepts, explaining why theories change and how clinical, social, personal, and political factors dictate the timing of those changes. Mishne then goes on to clearly and effectively demonstrate the application of these psychoanalytic theories to individual, family, and marital treatment. Drawing on an extensive case study, which includes individual treatment of an adolescent along with parent guidance, marital treatment, and family therapy, she applies the four psychologies, illustrating how each can be used and how they differ. Finally, she addresses the issue of conflicting paradigms and suggests ways in which clinicians can benefit from an understanding of all four models in assessment and treatment. The Evolution and Application of Clinical Theory with its unique application ofdifferent theoretical models to a specific case, is an invaluable reference for the novice and experienced practitioner alike. It can also be used in courses in clinical theory and clinical practice.