Fundamentals of Nursing
Everything your students need for learning procedures in clinical or skills lab is in Volume 2. This is incredibly convenient for your students because there is no need to carry the didactic material in Volume 1 to the lab or to carry the applications-based content in Volume 2 to lecture-type classes. Nor will your students have to wade through the text-heavy content, boxes, and tables to follow the "think and do" procedures in the lab as presented in other Fundamentals texts. Each chapter in Volume 2 begins with an Overview of the Volume 1 chapter, to refresh your students' memory of the content. Thinking Critically About is a set of exercises that require students to use the information they learned in Volume 1. A summary of critical thinking steps is presented in the back of this volume for easy reference by students. A unique feature of Volume 2 is the extended case study, Caring for the Garcias, which illustrates and integrates content throughout the whole volume. The Garcia family and their friends and colleagues allow your students to see the human costs and benefits of the procedures they are learning. Each Procedure is presented step by step, with rationales interspersed so your students better understand real-world practice. Core procedures as well as variants and alternatives are described. Every procedure is appropriately illustrated with photographs, and equipment, delegation, assessments, evaluation, documentation, home care, and patient teaching are all addressed throughout. Each chapter concludes with What Are the Main Points in This Chapter, a summary of the most essential concepts that students should retain. Knowledge Maps diagram the content in the non-procedural chapters. Universal procedure steps are presented on the inside back cover of Volume 2, and every procedure begins with a restatement of the critical aspects of the procedure as also shown in Volume 1. For chapters that don't have any procedures, the