The American Geisha
The Webster's New World Dictionary (page 24, 1990) defines a 'geisha' as a "Japanese girl trained as an entertainer to serve as a hired companion to men." A true American Geisha must be that and much more. She must be taught self-esteem and self-confidence, but most importantly self-acceptance. She must choose her future carefully, to pursue a business, or to have and raise, a family or possibly both. Lastly, she must decide if she wants to go through life by herself or with a chosen companion. If she chooses companionship, she must be trained in the arts of providing for and serving her Chosen Companion. She must be taught, and be willing to give one hundred percent of herself. She must know herself first, then reach out for friendships, and then seek that special relationship with her Chosen Companion. She must be careful and consider all her options along the way. (We don't always get second chances.) A true understanding of human relationships comes from not only the desire, to have one, but a basic learning process as well. Anything worth having is worth working for. Your inner peace and peaceful relationships are the most precious things attained in this world and certainly worth every effort to attain them.