Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 6th Edition, with new author team Destin Heilman and Stephen Woski, is fully updated for focus, readability, and currency. This revision provides students with a solid biochemical foundation rooted in chemistry and prepares them for future scientific challenges. Its pedagogical focus remains on biochemistry's key theme: the relationship between structure/function. The text’s foundation demonstrates the relationships between the monomeric units (amino acids, monosaccharides, nucleotides, and fatty acids) and the biomolecular structures they form. The new authors continue the trusted pedagogy of the previous five editions and present approachable, balanced coverage relevant to human health and disease. Fundamentals of Biochemistry 6e includes new, stunning, and enhanced visuals and new measurable learning objectives in each chapter section that offer a practical pathway for student learning and understanding.