Media Law
A critical introduction to the principles and application of media law. Media Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary introduces the key concepts of media law and how to apply these theories in practice. It examines the basic principles underpinning areas of law that are most relevant to the media, including defamation, contempt of court, invasion of privacy, breach of confidentiality, and freedom of information. Critical perspectives from varying academic disciplines provide conceptual frameworks through which Australian media law can be understood and interpreted. Written by an extended team of authors, the third edition includes new cases and recent changes in legislation to defamation laws and privacy laws. It equips you with updated excerpts from cases, legislation and author commentary, and places these excerpts in legal and media contexts. NEW TO THIS EDITIONUpdated to reflect significant changes in legislation to national, uniform defamation laws, online content and privacy laws, including online privacy. A strong focus on critical perspectives help you form your own ideas and prepare for professional work. Includes a new chapter on suppression and non-publication orders to address the impact this has on the day-to-day practice of court reporting. New case studies provide you with current examples to demonstrate how theoretical principles can be applied in practice. Updated discussion questions encourage critical reflection.