Classroom Assessment for Student Learning
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Click here to take a guided tour of the Second Edition! Classroom Assessment for Student Learning, 2/e is a combination textbook and workbook grounded in research shown to increase student motivation and learning through improved classroom assessment. This user-friendly, practical book is full of real-world examples of what assessment for learning looks like in today’s classrooms. Presented in a format appropriate for use by individuals or collaborative learning teams, the book teaches two central concepts: How to create accurate classroom assessments of all types and how to integrate assessment with instruction day to day, with a focus on student involvement. The companion CD provides all necessary learning team resources: suggestions for forming and facilitating learning teams, suggestions for pacing the learning, and chapter-by-chapter forms and materials for completing the activities. The Second Edition of Classroom Assessment for Student Learning focuses on the five keys to classroom assessment quality. The keys are: Key 1: Establish a clear assessment purpose to meet information needs of all intended users Key 2: Base instruction and assessment on clear learning targets Key 3: Design or select all assessments to meet standards of accuracy Key 4: Communicate summative and formative results effectively Key 5: Involve students in the assessment process and in using the results to further learning Additional Resources from ATI Visit to read more articles on assessment, download study guides, and more!