Juan Acha
"This is the first organized exhibition with materials from the archive Juan Acha, and includes reactivations of non-object-based art and artistic documentation. '[Joaquín] Barriendos has spent the last seven years studying the work and thought of cultural agent Juan Acha ([pseud]: J. Nahuaca, b. Peru, 1916 - Mexico, 1995), collaborating continuously with Mahia Biblos, who has spent two decades collecting her late husband's archive and attending to it with special effort and commitment. With the exhibition "Juan Acha: Revolutionary Awakening", Barriendos has been determined to raise public interest in his legacy and critical interpellation from the present, proposing an itinerary comprised of six constellations-Sociological Art, Mail Art, Guerrilla, Latin America, Los Grupos, Non-Objectualisms and Sensory Bodies-through which he articulates tales from a critical historiography that allow us for the first time to display"--Pages 147-148.