Ten Years Without a Bath
Being handicap... I was unable to take a bath in a tub for ten years... Until "Sent Of God... Angel Dove." Father God sent me Charles. He encouraged me to... "Take A Bath." I told him I was not able to get in and out of a tub. Charles started to cry... Saying he often takes a bath after a hard day at work. He said, as he would enjoy the warm water he would pray and thank God for the opportunity to take a bath, realizing that probably ¾ th of the worlds population could not enjoy a warm bath.Now Father God has allowed him to help me in and out of a tub of warm water to take a tub bath. Amen. Hallelujah! What a blessing! I don't want to leave the impression that I don't bathe as I shower almost daily. But when Charles heard me say... "I haven't taken a bath in 10 years... He couldn't believe it!" After I explained to him about the showers... He laughed; after he cried, and said, "What a title for a new book!"It's the little things that we take for granted that we as Americans don't realize how other people in other countries do not have even good clean water let alone have the opportunity to take a bath. For instance... I saw a documentary showing in India, the people bathing in the dirty water of the Ganges River. They not only bath there, the cows bath there, they do their laundry in the Ganges River and various other asundry things they do in the river.Back in the 1700-1800's folks bathed in a horse trough, a river or a bucket made of wood. As a child we had a big metal galvanized washtub. Mother would heat the water on the stove in a teakettle and pans. She poured the hot water into the washtub. Then she added cool water and checked the temperature with her elbow. All 3 of us girls bathed in the kitchen in that tub of water.It was too much work to fill and refill it 3 times. Saturday night was bathing night before going to Church on Sunday morning. If my Grandmother who passed away at 97 years of age, would have lived to see bathtubs that some folks walk into today, her comment would be, "My... What is the world coming to?" Many times I find myself saying the same thing about our world.In this age of computers and electronics, I make the same comments. "What is this world coming to?" I agree, a bath is much easier today than when I was a young girl, that's for sure! Like I said, "Things are really changing... Mankind has it easier all the time." Now we must talk about some other things that Sister Joy has startled me with, "Charles... I think I am in love with you!He said, "OK." Isn't that a romantic comment? "Charles... May I come into your bedroom?" I was surprised! Grandma would rollover in her grave if she heard me say that! "Charles... Will you do this... Will you do that..." After we were married, I asked him to help me into and out of public restrooms, as we always had to make sure no other ladies were in them.I'm sure you have seen Poise commercials. Those things come to us in old age. One day at the WalMart I see Charles fairly skipping down the isle with 2 packages in his hands. I wish I had a camera. For you younger generation... When you choose your life partner to be married to, ask yourself this question, "Will they be willing to change my Pampers for me???"Before we go any further... We should explain that we have already said, "Being handicap... I was unable to..." You see... Sister Joy had Polio at 17 years of age. Now at age 84 she has had Post Polio Syndrome raise its ugly head. So, before you go and judge us... Remember, Sister Joy was honest when she said, "I think I am in love with you!"Sister Joy simply asked my permission to come into my room to talk when we were just starting our relationship. Joy says that our sins are not only covered by the Blood of Jesus...THE VILLAGE CARPENTER WORLD WIDE MINISTRIES, PUBLISHING HOUSE, BIBLE SCHOOL, OS PUBLISHING and ME SHED CHURCH at GOD'S HOUSE INTERNATIONAL, PO Box 133, Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA or see TheVillageCarpenter.info