SuperVision and Instructional Leadership
This leading text's emphasis on school culture, teachers as adult learners, developmental leadership, democratic education, and collegial supervision has helped redefine the meaning of supervision and instructional leadership for both scholars and practitioners. The Ninth Edition maintains its comprehensive approach to supervision and instructional leadership and presents new and engaging material throughout. Chapters on knowledge, interpersonal skills, technical skills, technical tasks, and cultural tasks for successful supervision and instructional leadership are included, and the authors emphasize the importance of collegiality, understanding adult learning and development, reflective inquiry, democracy, addressing diversity, the change process, and community building. This is a resource that students purchase, use in class, and reference throughout their careers as educational leaders. New to this edition: Reflective questions at the beginning and end of each chapter. A discussion of new instructional leadership roles for supervisors and teachers. (Chapter 1) Coverage of cultures within cultures. (Chapter 2) An entirely new chapter, "The Dynamic School." (Chapter 3) The latest research on expert teachers. (Chapter 5) Explanation of 360 feedback. (Chapter 6) Role plays to practice directive control, directive informational, collaborative, and nondirective behavior. (Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10) Descriptions of technology for enhanced classroom observation. (Chapter 13) Discussion of collaborative walkthroughs. (Chapter 13) Role plays on group roles. (Chapter 16) Suggestions for involving collaborative groups in school improvement. (Chapter 16) Exploration of dialogue as an alternative form of group process. (Chapter 16) Presentation of a new tool for evaluating professional development sessions. (Chapter 17) Overview of developing curriculum units through "Understanding by Design." (Chapter 18) Review of characteristics of successful action research. (Chapter 19) Also from Carl D. Glickman, Stephen P. Gordon and Jovita M. Ross-Gordon: 0133155366 - Basic Guide to SuperVision and Instructional Leadership, The Plus MyEdLeadership Lab with Pearson eText, 3/e - (c)2013 0205625037 - SuperVision and Instructional Leadership: A Developmental Approach, 8/e - (c)2010 0205578594 - The Basic Guide to Supervision and Instructional Leadership, 2/e - (c)2009 Also from Stephen P. Gordon: 0205268315 - Professional Development for School Improvement: Empowering Learning Communities, 1/e - (c)2004