Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity
Theological education is vital for the future of World Christianity--this conviction lies at the heart of this publication. Theological education has the potential to be the seedbed for the renewal of churches, their ministries, mission, and commitment to Christian unity. If theological education is neglected by church leaders or in funding, the consequences are far reaching; they might not be visible immediately, but they will certainly become manifest over time in the theological competence of church leadership, the holistic nature of mission, and the capacities for ecumenical and interfaith dialogue and the interaction between church and society. Investment in theological education is the investment of hope in the future and mission of World Christianity. The transmission of Christian memory, the education for God's peace and justice, and the formation for church and community leadership therefore should be priorities in all churches; however, in many places theological education is far from secure or is even in crisis at the present time.