The Prophecy of Zechariah
He has roamed the earth throughout the generations with a bloodline running from the beautiful Angel once rebuked by God, through Roman Emperors, to a modern-day political puppeteer. He has enticed Andrew Maugham, a financially motivated finder of ancient relics, to assist in his quest. A journey taking Andrew from Jerusalem to Rome and beyond to collect those needed artifacts to bring about the prophecy of the Prophet Zechariah. This is an Old Testament prophecy involving four plagues of pestilence brought about by The Four Horsemen to the four corners of Jerusalem. The ultimate goal of the Devil, Diavoletto, is to provoke the Lord into the Battle of Mount Megiddo. However, the Lord has plans of his own, involving the intercession of his own messenger, a young virgin named Elizabeth, who ultimately will bear the new Messiah. Meanwhile, an old priest, Father Sono, seems to appear to everyone looking for answers, attempting to assist those who have lost their way, including Maugham, who suffers his own torment for his part in this grand scheme. In the backdrop of such events, the world is faced with civil unrest, collapsing housing markets, and banking institutions leading to a Global Depression that has lasted for years, with Israel and Iran, along with many other countries, on the brink of war.