The Incredible Expanding Mountain of Hope
Even though this book is about Daniel 2, it's not really about Daniel 2! It's really about Jesus! Come tag along on this exciting journey of re-discovery! Even if you think you've long understood all details of the prophecy, you may just discover a most important new insight and find yourself dumbfounded by precise prophetic fulfillments in Christian history that once sent chills up the author's spine. You too may discover the fuller gospel meaning embedded within ancient cryptic symbols, almost like a “hidden picture”! Daniel 2, specifically, unveils the very Foundation Stone of all later Bible prophecies, and—correctly understood—it places the Lamb of God, His unfathomable love for sinners, and the heart conquest of His Kingdom (of glory and of grace) squarely back at the center of all Bible prophecy. That Christ-centering “hidden picture” is nothing short of a self-portrait of Jesus and the prophesied growth of his New Testament “kingdom of God” message into all the world, of his royal incarnate rule from its tiniest beginnings in Bethlehem to its mountainous NO END in eternity! This book is really about a too-often “hidden” message that Herald believes God always intended to shout out to our anxiety-ridden world today, as we now teeter on the brink of eternity. It is the timeless and yet so timely message of “HOPE!” Real hope! A long-growing hope (as you will discover)—embodied in a Person—that reaches all the way down to even the most apparently hopeless if she or he will only recognize it and take hold…of JESUS! “In this magnificent book, which at times seems like a spy thriller, Joshua Herald methodically details insights into Scripture. He does so with such clarity and precision that you will wonder how you could have missed coming to the same conclusion he did.” ~ Ron Price MA, author of Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Church, Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Work, and Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Home "Hang onto your seats for this rollercoaster! Joshua Herald pens a twisting, turning ride to a better understanding of Daniel's beastly prophecies and the mysterious stone that strikes the colossal, metallic image. ~ Chris Conrad PG (professional geologist) If you have found the insights in this book to be spiritually uplifting and helpful, please share this title with a friend!