The 2018 Literary Review Date Book
"the 2018 literary review date book" is a 2017 poetry and brief prose collection book from Scars Publications (http: // of select materials accepted for 2017 issues through cc&d magazine (http: // and Down in the Dirt magazine (http: // All writing in this collection appears on one page of the book (the left-sided page), while one week of the 2018 calendar appears on the right-hand page. (This annual calendar from Scars Publications includes U.S. holidays plus U.K./Scotland/Ireland holidays in the weekly date book listing.) Writers and artists included in this book include Aaron Wilder, Alicia Berdeguez, Allan Onik, Andy Roberts, Angel Abitua, Ani Keaten, ayaz daryl nielsen, Ben Radetski, Ben Rasnic, Bhargab Chatterjee, Brady Peterson, Brian Forrest, Brian Looney, Carl Papa Palmer, Cassondra Windwalker, Charles Hayes, Cheryl Townsend, Christopher Hivner, Clint Brewer, Dan Fitzgerald, David J. Thompson, David Lohrey, David Russell, David Sapp, Denny E. Marshall, Donal Mahoney, Drew Marshall, E. Martin Pedersen, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Eric Obame, Erica Ann Welch, Erren Geraud Kelly, Eve Dobbins, George W. Clever, Gregg Dotoli, Heath Brougher, I.B. Rad, Indunil Madhusankha, J Ash Gamble, James Croal Jackson, Janet Kuypers, Jason Galt, Jeffrey Zable, Joe Brundidge, John D Robinson, John F. Buckley, John Grey, John Lowther, John Sweet, John Yotko, Joshua Copeland, Karon Johnson, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kim Buck, Kristyl Gravina, Kyle Hemmings, Linda M. Crate, Lindsay Flanagan, Marc Carver, Marc Livanos, Marc McMahon, Marilyn Flower, Marlon Jackson, Marsha Foss, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Lee Johnson, NASA, Nicole Surginer, Oz Hardwick, Patrick Fealey, R. N. Taber, Raven J. Cole, Rebecca Cowgill, Reed Redmond, Richard E. Gagnon, Richard King Perkins II, Richard Schnap, Robert Beveridge, Robert Fabre, Robert Ronnow, Roger G. Singer, Rose E. Grier, Samuel T. Franklink, Sandeep Kumar Mishra, Sanjeev Sethi, Sarah Henry, Scott Hicks, Shane, Shelly Sitzer, CEE, Simon Perchik, Stefan Benz, Suchoon Mo, Tameka Jarmon, Thom Woodruff, Uzeyir Lokman Cayci, Vanessa Munder, Wes Heine, Xanadu and Zac Harris.