Sacred Time
Something I hear from people often is, "I need more time," but what I really think they want is space. More room to focus, rest, or see. I think to myself, "If you had more time you would get more things done, but how do you know that if you had more time you wouldn't just wind up with more to do?" When the center of your life is a to-do list, you don't do it, it does you. You're a taskmaster, a go-getter, a professional doer and life is an endless list. Get dinner. Finish report. Tell your child, "I love you." Make appointment. Make margarita. Update your phone. Make another margarita. This is no way to live a rich life because you wind up thinking the purpose of your life is to check everything off the list, but in reality, your identity gets so caught up in the checking, that when it's done, you realize it's really just yourself that's been crossed off. It's hard to just be, slow down, and create some breathing room. Sacred time is not centered in to-do lists but in our own becoming. Sacred time is life centered on soul. It's room to not know what's going to happen. Room for spontaneity and creativity. Room for genuine affection. Room to step into the mystery to experience it, not solve it.