Amazing Grace
In memory of Grace Chen - When a touch of your smile rises Professor Phil Hsieh When a touch of your smile rises Among the “blue sky and white clouds” It blossoms into dimples Taking the pose Of sublime lotuses. Your life’s energies diffuse Like the fragrance of a flower. Always cheerful With an enormous heart, You talked and sang To spread the seeds of Love at every Corner of the world, Bright and dark alike. Your thirty-six Years of shortened But brilliant life Turned into touching Memories in our minds, Episode after episode And time after time. The impermanence of sufferings Made marks on your body And yet you still Faced it with smiles. O you the flying Apsara Please, as you wished, come back soon, While humming the tunes of Love. 【推薦文】 The story of Josephine and Grace, mother and daughter, has inspired many people. Through their example and their strong faith, they have answered many people’s questions about life and comforted people as they face fear of death, transforming their pain and sorrow to achieve great love. -Stanley Yan, Chair of The Alliance Cultural Foundation Grace was not only my patient, she also brightened up my life with her radiance, becoming an unforgettable person in my life. Through its description of Grace’s extraordinary life, I hope this book will help readers rethink the purpose of life and find the true meaning and value of their own lives. -Dr.Yen Yun, Taipei Cancer Center Convener at Taipei Medical University After Grace received her Juris Doctor Diploma from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, CA, she immediately passed the bar examination in California and became a lawyer. She decided to work for Ernst & Young Global Limited, one of the largest consultant companies in the world. As a law consultant, she helped other large companies establish and regulate rules and regulations for employee benefits at their companies. In addition, she volunteered at the Tzu Chi Foundation, USA, as a law consultant. Growing up in a kind and humble family, Grace followed principles calling for a life free of conflict and competition and to be loving, giving, and selfless. -Dr.Rey Sheng Her, Deputy CEO of Tzu Chi Foundation; Associate Professor of Tzu Chi University; Associate Scholar of Harvard University, FAS, CAMLab.