The Journal of Auditory Research
The Journal of Auditory Research (Volume 5, No. 3, July 1965) An Interdiscipline Non-Profit Quarterly for All Workers Seriously Interested in the Scientific Study of Hearing Publication Covers Such Fields As: Otology, Audiology, Musicology, Psychoacoustics, Speech G Communications, Neurophysiology of Audition, Instrumentation for Hearing Research, and Auditory Aspects of Human Engineering. Editorial Policy Board: NORTON CANFIELD M.D., RAYMOND CARHART Ph.D., STACY GUILD, HENRY L. HAINES MD, FRED KRANZ PhD., ALVIN M. LIBERMAN Ph.D., E. GLEN WEVER PhD. J. DONALD HARRIS, Ph.D., Editor 348 Long Hill Road, Groton, Conn. Review Editors: EDWARD C. CARTERETTE, RICHARD H. EHMER, WENDELL R. GARNER, DAVID M. GREEN. KATHERINE S. HARRIS, KARL KRYTER, MERLE LAWRENCE, PETER MACPHERSON, MAX NELSON, ABE PEPINSKY, and IRWIN POLLACK and others, some of whom wish to remain anonymous. Published by THE C. W. SHILLING AUDITORY RESEARCH CENTER, INC. A Private Non-Profit Corporation Devoted to Scholarship, Research, and A; Publication in the Field of Hearing 348 Long Hill Road, Groton Connecticut 06340