Modern Systems Analysis and Design
"Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Tenth edition, covers the concepts, skills, methodologies, techniques, tools, and perspectives essential for systems analysts to successfully develop information systems. The primary target audience is upper-division undergraduates in a management information systems (MIS) or computer information systems curriculum; a secondary target audience is MIS majors in MBA and MS programs. Although not explicitly written for the junior college and professional development markets, this book can also be used by these programs. We have over 60 years of combined teaching experience in systems analysis and design and have used that experience to create this newest edition of Modern Systems Analysis and Design. We provide a clear presentation of the concepts, skills, and techniques that students need to become effective systems analysts who work with others to create information systems for businesses. We use the systems development life cycle (SDLC) model as an organizing tool throughout the book to provide students with a strong conceptual and systematic framework. The SDLC in this edition has five phases and a circular design. With this text, we assume that students have taken an introductory course on computer systems and have experience designing programs in at least one programming language. We review basic system principles for those students who have not been exposed to the material on which systems development methods are based. We also assume that students have a solid background in computing literacy and a general understanding of the core elements of a business, including basic terms associated with the production, marketing, finance, and accounting functions"--