The Sixth Directorate
DIVDIVPeter Marlow goes undercover to infiltrate the KGB/divDIV The Soviet intelligence agency’s worst nightmare has come true: Besides the five directorates that oversee its operations, there lurks a sixth—a shadow directorate that may be plotting a coup against the Communist Party. Disruption of the KGB might spell trouble for Moscow, but for the British Intelligence, chaos in the Soviet Union means a chance to infiltrate./divDIV /divDIVTo make the most of the opportunity, Her Majesty’s intelligence service turns to Peter Marlow, a disgraced former spy who has spent the last four years in jail. He is given his freedom in exchange for his espionage service. Peter assumes the mantle of George Graham, a KGB agent with more secrets than he’s prepared to handle. /divDIV /divDIVThe Sixth Directorate is the second book in the Peter Marlow Mystery series, which also includes The Private Sector and The Valley of the Fox. /div/div