Brain Injury - From This Guy's Perspective
In this emotional booklet memoir, Joseph Brewer details his experiences living with a traumatic brain injury as a result of an electrical shock he suffered 18 years ago. As someone experienced in living with the lingering effects of a traumatic brain injury, Brewer details his struggles adapting to the life he lived before his accident, as well as offers advice on how to accept your new reality and move forward with grace. Fit into an easily digestible 37-page booklet, TBI survivors, caregivers, or family and peers of TBI survivors will find Brain Injury - From This Guy's Perspective to be a resource chock-full of advice and first-hand accounts of the process of overcoming a traumatic brain injury. Joseph Brewer is unafraid of sharing his personal experiences with the hopes that he can aid others who are in the unfamiliar territory of learning to understand the frustrations that come along with a traumatic brain injury. With sharp observations and compelling storytelling in a format accessible to people who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (with large, evenly spaced and clear font), this booklet preaches how to work within the confines of a TBI to ultimately live a healthier and happier life. The inspiring booklet details recovery tips such as: ●How to find acceptance in your TBI and move forward with grace●Finding positivity and learning your worth ●Letting go of the past and finding the desire to move forward ●The need to reject despair for your past self ●How to find a proper support system amongst the chaos, as well as learning how to accept failed relationships with people who you thought were your friends●Coping with depression and actively making positive choices that can and will change your life for the better ●The need for self-reflection Brewer detailed his first-hand experiences and symptoms, including, but not limited to: fatigue, sensory overload, extreme loss in vocabulary, change in behavior, PTSD flashbacks, loss in cognitive function, difficulties drawing upon one's own intellect and more. He sheds light on the misinformation and misconceptions people have towards TBI's. There is a lot to a TBI that is not visible to the eye, and Brewer offers a voice attesting to the experiences TBI survivors go through like never before. Joseph Brewer is not afraid to share the grit of his experiences and paints a clear picture as to what it is like to go through a traumatic brain injury. He underscores the importance of dedication and perseverance needed to reach acceptance and proves that it is possible to learn how to own yourself and the life you have been given. It has become an integral part of Brewer's existence to help others learn how to enjoy life after suffering from a traumatic brain injury. He refuses to give in, or be bullied and mistreated for his injury, and hopes that you will join him on the journey towards triumph and peace.