Federal Income Tax
Discover a superb way to help your students master basic tax rules and concepts...BASIC FEDERAL INCOME TAX: Examples and Explanations by Joseph Bankman, Thomas Griffith, and Katherine Pratt.As part of the successful Examples & Explanations Series, this study guide combines clear accessible text with analytical problems and explanations to allow students to test and reinforce their understanding of the material. The authors take a building-clock approach to teaching federal income tax, beginning with basic True-False questions and moving to more complex examples. Other useful features include: through textual explanations helpful summaries of each topic covered questions that drive students to read the Internal Revenue Code of Treasury Regulation sections assigned For The topic sample law exams, with suggested answers, that give students an opportunity to answer more complex questionsClassroom-tested for several years, many of the materials in this excellent study said have been assigned, recommended, or made available to students at UCLA, Capitol, NYU, USC, Loyola, Miami, Stanford, and elsewhere.Use this proven tool to give your students a greater foundation for grasping the basic rules and concepts covered in the the introductory tax course. Adopt or recommend FEDERAL INCOME TAX: Examples and Explanations.