Quality Networking in Europe
Networking among individuals, companies, government agencies and other bodies is one of the quality-related technology transfer policies that have been actively promoted in recent years. With the increasing demand and need for high quality performance, networking between people and organisations with common needs and problems can provide the scale or scope to gain understanding and find new opportunities to improve quality. Their common interest may be shared technology, customer-client relationships or market interests. This book gives an overview of a variety of successful quality networking initiatives taking place in the European Union, and considers successful approaches, their results and impact. Also it contains useful information about a large number of organisations promoting quality networking at the regional, national and European level. This book is based on a 1994/5 study, conducted as part of the European Innovation Monitoring Initiative (EIMS) within the SPRINT programme of the EC Directorate-General on Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Results (DG XIII).