The Power of Discomfort
WHAT WAS THE GREAT DISCOMFORT OF YOUR LIFE, WHICH, HAD IT NOT HAPPENED, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN TO WHERE YOU ARE? Have you ever stopped to think about how the feeling of discomfort motivates us to run after our dreams? Without the nuisance, the uneasiness, the unpleasantness, the difficulty, in short, the discomfort, we wouldn't leave our safe zone and, much less, try to improve our reality. It is necessary to be uncomfortable in order to transform and even to dream. In The Power of Discomfort you will realize how essential this feeling is for all of us to achieve the transformations we seek, leaving behind a lukewarm, dull life. With inspiring words, José Luiz Tejon takes us on a journey through our inner restlessness and teaches us how we can achieve our best through this feeling that is so present in our lives and, at the same time, so transformative. Here you will learn how to: Identify the seven types of discomfort that are real tools: "fly", "poor me" (victimization), "head against the wall", values, "online fake", apocalyptic (entropic), and divine (syntropic). Identify when the discomfort is legitimate or just an attempt to escape from the problem. Apply the 8Cs method (named after its Portuguese acronym)—Courage, Trust, Cooperation, Creation, Consciousness, Achievement, Correction, and Character—in everyday life. Face life's worries and discomforts without fear, thus avoiding alienation and hopelessness. Trace the path to a life full of joy and fulfillment.